Tag: costa rica

  • Central American Hummingbirds – the gems of the region

    Central American Hummingbirds – the gems of the region

    Hummingbirds are one of the most diverse groups of birds in the New World. There are more than 345 species from Alaska (Rufous Hummingbird) to Tierra del Fuego (Green-backed Firecrown), including the Caribbean islands. It’s no surprise that the greatest number of hummingbirds are in the tropical region, including a large number in Central America. Here,…

  • Ocellated birds: what they are and why they have that name

    Ocellated birds: what they are and why they have that name

    While guiding in the humid forest of Colombia, I spotted an Ocellated Tapaculo,  a beautiful but elusive bird. Upon hearing this species’ name, one of the birders asked  “Where do these names come from? What does that name mean?” At the time, I had no answer to give him. But I wanted to be able to answer…

  • New Tour for 2019! Costa Rica: Wild Nature

    New Tour for 2019! Costa Rica: Wild Nature

    When one thinks about the tropics and tropical birds and animals, the first place that usually comes to mind is Costa Rica. Costa Rica means “Rich Coast” in Spanish. This refers to the wealth of natural beauty found along its extensive coastlines. This small Central American nation has been on the map as the prime…

  • Costa Rica Birding Challenge and some Owls

    Costa Rica Birding Challenge and some Owls

    The Costa Rica Birding Challenge finished last week with an amazing number of birds seen or heard collectively: more than 550 species in over a week’s time. The Tico Tickers, Yeray‘s team, came in first place with 488 species! We want to congratulate all the participants and organizers for an amazing event, which we are…

  • Harpy Eagle pair in Panama

    Harpy Eagle pair in Panama

    Whitehawk Newsletter Winter 2016 Into the Realm of the Harpy Eagle Birds of prey are captivating creatures and in the tropics, the Harpy Eagle is probably one of the most fascinating ones. Collectively, Whitehawk founders have more than 25 years of experiences working for Harpy Eagle conservation in Panama and other countries of Central America.…