Tag: Environmental Education

  • Black Hawk-Eagles in Panama

    Black Hawk-Eagles in Panama

    Amongst the several species of raptors that one can see in Central and South America, the Black Hawk-Eagle (Spizaetus tyrannus) is probably one of the most common to see. They can be found in different types of habitats ranging from secondary and primary lowland forests, disturbed forest, open areas, woodlands and forest edges practically all…

  • Environmental Education: Whitehawk’s  Program thrives!

    Environmental Education: Whitehawk’s Program thrives!

    Whitehawk’s environmental education program has been running for over five years now in Panama. Despite its relatively small size, Panama is one of the most biologically diverse countries in the world. Like many other countries, it struggles to find the balance between progress and preservation. We believe that one of the best ways to promote…

  • Fish, Flowers and Butterflies

    Fish, Flowers and Butterflies

    Whitehawk co-founder, Marta Curti, recently received a great honor. Her bilingual children’s book, Fish, Flowers and Butterflies, has been chosen as a main title for the National Library’s Traveling Backpack program here in Panama. The program, aimed at 2nd grade girls, is designed to promote literacy and a love for literature. Promoting education is part…

  • Rescue birds: a vital part of our Jr. Naturalist Program!

    Rescue birds: a vital part of our Jr. Naturalist Program!

    It’s that time of year again! Whitehawk is conducting its Environmental Education program with first grade students at International schools in Panama. Part of our Junior Naturalist Program involves bringing students to the forest for a morning of birding and wildlife watching. As part of our education program, we bring Jar Jar to the school.…

  • Whitehawk Junior Naturalist Program Begins

    Whitehawk Junior Naturalist Program Begins

    As our name indicates, conservation is a big part of what we hope to accomplish through Whitehawk. It was one of the main reasons that we formed Whitehawk Birdwatching and Conservation to begin with! After years of working as biologists in various corners of the globe, we have come to believe that environmental education, community…

  • Last Child in the Woods

    Last Child in the Woods

    For someone who loves birds, wildlife, travel, or just spending time outdoors, it might be hard to imagine a life without enjoying the splendors of nature. Our lives would seem void without the calming sound of a creek. We can’t imagine not enjoying the colorful flight of a bird, or the intoxicating scent of pine…