We just finished a fantastic fam-trip in Guatemala, which included presentations and debate sessions about birding tourism and conservation. We want to thank to the organizers and collaborators of Birdforum for a great event and for inviting us to participate. There was also time to see some great birds, including the raucous Bushy-crested Jay.
The Bushy-crested Jay lives in the montane forests of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. Its pleasing combination of black head and blue body make it a colorful and striking bird, both males and females look alike. Its bright yellow eye contrasts nicely with its dark plumage. This social bird tends to be found in small groups. It forages for invertebrates, seeds, fruits and nuts in the lower levels of the forest. It has adapted well to habitat change and can be found in clearings and degraded areas.
We are looking forward to coming back to this tremendously diverse country! Guatemala has improved so much in terms of tourism and safety, and is already attracting higher numbers of naturalists and travelers. Here you can add some really special regional endemics like the Horned Guan or the Pink-headed Warbler to your lists. Guatemala is one of the best destinations in Central America for any birder with an interest in Neotropical birds. Find out more about our tours to Central America here.