Tag: Vulture

  • Top 10 Reasons to Love Vultures

    Top 10 Reasons to Love Vultures

    We admit it, we are big fans of vultures. And why not?! Long thought of as being dirty, ugly, garbage eaters, they are actually very beautiful birds.  More importantly, play a major role in the environment. In the light of International Vulture Awareness Day 2018 which took place on September 1, we thought we would…

  • Today is Vulture Awareness Day – help raise awareness!

    Today is Vulture Awareness Day – help raise awareness!

    Today is Vulture Awareness Day! Therefore, we want to lend our voices to help spread the word about how important vultures are for the environment, and how they are currently suffering many threats. Some species are critically endangered and facing extinction. In the Americas, the California Condor is considered to be critically endangered, while the…

  • Ageing Vultures in Spain

    Ageing Vultures in Spain

    Spain is home to four species of vultures including the Egyptian Vulture, Eurasian Griffon, Cinereous Vulture and Lammergeier. It is a fantastic place to observe these majestic birds. Of all of them, the Eurasian Griffon is the most abundant species. In fact, its numbers have increased over the past few years, and Spain is home to…