Tag: raptor

  • Size of Harpy Eagle and Natural History of a Top Predator in the Rainforest

    Size of Harpy Eagle and Natural History of a Top Predator in the Rainforest

    The Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja) is considered to be the most powerful eagle in the world. Its thick tarsi (legs), strong toes, and sharp talons make this species a formidable predator. Historically found in rainforest habitats from southern Mexico to northern Argentina, the Harpy Eagle feeds on a number of different prey items. It prefers…

  • The Orange-breasted Falcon: Denizen of the Neotropics

    The Orange-breasted Falcon: Denizen of the Neotropics

    When one thinks of falcons, perhaps the first bird to come to mind is the swift and stunning Peregrine Falcon. While a fascinating bird in its own right, for us, the quintessential falcon is none other than the Orange-breasted Falcon (OBF). It has impressively large feet, a bright orange breast, and incredible speed (though no…

  • Amazing Birds: Fun Owl Facts

    Amazing Birds: Fun Owl Facts

    Owls are fascinating birds. They tuck themselves away during the day and emerge at night to hunt in the darkness. We do not often see them due to their nocturnal lifestyle, but every sighting of an owl becomes a memory not soon forgotten. We often think of owls as mysterious creatures, but the truth is,…

  • What do Harpy Eagles Eat?

    What do Harpy Eagles Eat?

    It seems reasonable to assume that a bird measuring 3 feet tall from beak to tail, and has a 6-foot wingspan, legs the size of a human’s wrist, and talons the size of grizzly bear claws eats just about anything it wants to. And that is true, within reason, of course. Biologists throughout the Harpy…

  • Finding a Harpy Eagle: An Adventurous Excursion

    Finding a Harpy Eagle: An Adventurous Excursion

    Harpy Eagles live in the mature lowland rainforests of Central and South America. They prefer large areas of expansive, intact forest, especially when it comes to nesting. Despite having a huge wingspan of 2 meters, Harpy Eagles do not soar above the forest canopy; they are truly a bird of deep forest. They can stay…

  • Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle

    Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle

    Probably one of the most striking of the Neotropical birds of prey, and one of the most difficult to observe perched, is the Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle (Spizaetus melanoleucus). We can find this raptor species throughout a large part of tropical America, from southern Mexico to northern Argentina. Unlike the Black Hawk-Eagle and Ornate Hawk-Eagle, the Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle does not tend to vocalize as much…

  • Black Hawk-Eagles in Panama

    Black Hawk-Eagles in Panama

    Amongst the several species of raptors that one can see in Central and South America, the Black Hawk-Eagle (Spizaetus tyrannus) is probably one of the most common to see. They can be found in different types of habitats ranging from secondary and primary lowland forests, disturbed forest, open areas, woodlands and forest edges practically all…