Tag: Nature photography

  • Top 10 Reasons to Visit India

    There are SO many reasons to visit India, it is very hard to come up with only 10! Whitehawk made its first trip to India in 2014 in search of the elusive Snow Leopard. Our trip was a roaring success and our group was able to see not one but two Snow Leopards in a…

  • Harpy Eagle pair in Panama

    Harpy Eagle pair in Panama

    Whitehawk Newsletter Winter 2016 Into the Realm of the Harpy Eagle Birds of prey are captivating creatures and in the tropics, the Harpy Eagle is probably one of the most fascinating ones. Collectively, Whitehawk founders have more than 25 years of experiences working for Harpy Eagle conservation in Panama and other countries of Central America.…

  • Wildlife photography: a tool for research & conservation

    Wildlife photography: a tool for research & conservation

    Today I received an e-mail with some information regarding a Black Kite that I saw in Tarifa. The Black Kite had a wing tag. It is a piece of plastic with an alphanumeric code that is attached to the wing of the bird.  I promptly took several pictures of it. It was nearly impossible to…