Tag: Migration

  • What is Bird Migration?

    What is Bird Migration?

    It’s that time of year again! Around the world, birds are preparing for their migration from their overwintering grounds to their breeding grounds. But let’s take a deeper look at these bird movements. What is bird migration? Bird migration is the regular seasonal movement of birds. We may recognize that birds are migrating when bird…

  • Hummingbird Migration: A Marvel of Nature

    Hummingbird Migration: A Marvel of Nature

    Hummingbirds are some of nature’s most amazing creatures. They are among the smallest birds in the world. Iridescent colors on their crowns, gorgets, and backs call our attention as they glitter in the sun. Furthermore, they have many fascinating adaptations and behaviors, even some that are seemingly impossible for such tiny birds. A majority of…

  • Bird Migration in Panama

    Bird Migration in Panama

    The Isthmus of Panama is a land bridge that connects North America to South America. Historically, it was the key location of the Great Faunal Interchange, where large land mammals crossed freely between the two continents. Today, it still remains one of the greatest places on Earth to experience the spectacle of migration year after…

  • The Honey Buzzard Migration

    The Honey Buzzard Migration

    Having the opportunity to spend long periods of time in strategic places for watching migrating birds is priceless for any birder. The spectacle of migration is something that happens almost continuously throughout the year in the Strait of Gibraltar. The peaks of activity are mainly in August and September during the fall migration. Then again…